"What?" Asked the father ... ..
"I'm tired, very tired ... I'm dead tired because I'm studying hard to get good grades were my friend can get good grades by cheating ... I just want to cheat! I'm tired. very tired ...
I'm tired because I have to continue to help mom clean the house, while my friend had a maid, I wish we had a maid! ... I Capel, very tired ...
I'm tired because I have to save money, while my friend can keep spending without saving ... I want to snack on! ...
I'm tired, very tired because I have to keep lisanku not to hurt, being my friend nice just to talk until I hurt ...
I'm tired, very tired because I had to keep my attitude in honor of my friends, is my friend offhand attitude to my ...
I'm tired of my father, I'm tired of holding myself ... I want to be like them ... they look happy, I want to be like their dad! .. "The boy began to cry ...
Then the father just smiled and stroked his head, saying "Come join my father, my father would show you something", then the father of the child's hand and then pull them down a road that is very bad, a lot of thorns, insects, mud, and weeds ... then the child began to complain of "our father where are you going? I do not like this way, see my shoes so dirty, my feet hurt because thorn. my body is surrounded by insects, berjalanpun hard krn there are many weeds ... I hate this road father "... the father is only silence.
Until finally they arrive at a beautiful lake, the water was very fresh, there are many butterflies butterflies, beautiful flowers, and trees that shade ...
"Wwaaaah dad ... what is this place? I like it! I like this place! "the father only silence and then sat under a shady tree green grass repose.
"Come here son, come sit next to dad" said the father, then the child had come to sit beside his father.
"My son, do you know why so quiet here? but this place is so beautiful ...? "
"Do not know the father, so what?"
"That's because those people do not want an ugly down the road before, but they know no lake here, but they can not be patient in down the road"
"Ooh ... we mean a patient man so well? alhamdulillah "
"Well, you finally understand"
"Understand what? I do not understand "
"My son, it takes patience to learn, it takes patience to be nice, it takes patience in kujujuran, it takes patience in every virtue so that we get a victory, such as roads that were ... would not you be patient when there are thorns injure your feet, you have to be patient when mud soiling your shoes, you have to be patient run through weeds and you had to wait while surrounded by insects ... and finally it all paid off right? There are sangatt beautiful lake .. if you're impatient, what you can? you do not get what my son, so be patient my son "
"But father, it is not easy to be patient"
"I know, therefore there are fathers who hold your hand for you to stay strong ... so is life, there are fathers and mothers will continue to be at your side so that when you fall, we could carry, but ... remember my son ... my father and mother are not forever could carry you when you fall, one day, you should be able to stand alone ... then do not ever you hang your life on someone else, be yourself ... a strong Muslim youth, who remain steadfast and istiqomah because he knew there was God on his side ... then you'll find yourself walking down life while still others decided to quit and go home ... then you finally know you? ""Yes dad, I know .. I would to heaven that beautiful lake which is more beautiful than this ... now I understand ... thank you dad, I'll be strong when the others are thrown "
The father just smiled as he looked at her beloved child's face.
hebat banget thaks gan,,, :D