Be thankful for what you have been given by God Almighty to you. Because not everyone can feel the pleasure has a complete body like you. But remember, tomorrow, or one second from now on God Almighty to lift one's favor. Therefore, use these blessings for things - things that are useful, certainly for the good of others. But, do not you despair over what Allah has given to you, because that surely God is to know what is best for us. ? At this time I was inspired story of our less fortunate brothers, but I was very impressed with them. Because we are not necessarily perfect as it can do what they do. Try to think of a moment, if one day our eyes are closed, so many things that is easy to do would be very difficult. For example, How can we read if we do not see the writing? How can we walk into a place if we can not see the road? And there are many how - how the other if I describe one by one the usual easy to do will be hard. And try to ponder once again, If we can not see the rest of our lives, what will we do? Most people who experience this will be desperate and took a shortcut just like suicide. Naudzubillahiminzalik. But I am really amazed to you - our brothers since birth can not see the beauty of this world. Unlike us, We are in anugerahi perfection by God Almighty, can see and feel the beauty of this world. We can see the Sun, Moon, Beach, Lake, Mountain, Tree - towering trees, a handsome face, beautiful face, and a lot of creation - creation of Allah who would never run out if we are thinking. But very unfortunately, the blessings God has given to us sometimes more done to it - things that are not useful and lead to disobedience. But this is where God Almighty gave positive value to our brother's. Allah SWT does not want to if the person - the person sees things - things that are not useful and will be in torment in the hereafter. But is not it I will tell my story this time. Our brother had been accustomed to walk somewhere without having to get lost and can go back to his house even though he did not see. Though many things - things that will prevent him to be able to the place of destination. Like, falling into a hole, tripped over a stone, hit the wall, crashing into the fence, even things that can mecelakan himself. But it does not become an obstacle for him. Why is that? We can take the positive value of the story above. In this life, we always feared by something that has not happened. We can likens our dream is to go places on our brother. And obstacles that will hinder our brothers to get to the place tujuaannya is a challenge to realize our dreams. Willingness to realize our dream is not enough if not the belief in mengarunginya. The existence of the will of the self is the main capital to realize our dreams. The willingness of the self will be realized if we really - really live and plan it carefully. So that we can easily realize our dreams. While confidence is the motivation from within ourselves that we will reach our dream.
Although many hurdles to get it. Just like brothers when we were walking toward a place, he could just get lost, fall, and even harm themselves. But even so, he remains confident and brave, that he must be able to reach the venue. So is this life, despite failing in front of our eyes. With confidence we can achieve our dreams. Be assured God is always with us, so there is no sense in us tiakut. Rest assured that God will help us, and will be stretched out his hand when we fall. Although we failed to reach out, remember that we just fell. We can bounce back and keep going towards our dream. ?
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